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Keynotes & 


Keynote Presentation

Tell Your Story 

Will’s most requested presentation. An entertaining and engaging program that teaches how to improve communication skills through the art of storytelling. Will also discusses the impact storytelling can have on leadership, customer service, team building and potential marketing. This program is also a great motivational presentation as participants learn why their story is important and needs to be told.

For Businesses



Storytelling & Leadership


 Learn how leaders throughout history connected with their people through the  power of storytelling and how to use your own stories and storytelling skills to lead others.

Storytelling & Team Building


This presentation teaches your team how something as simple as sharing stories can strengthen the connection they have with one another. It is simple, fun and powerful and doesn’t require a single trust fall.

Storytelling , Humor          & Coping with Stress 


Along with humor, sharing stories with those around you can help to lower your overall stress. Will teaches how and what types of stories can be used in your daily routine to combat stress.

Tell Your Story - Expanded (2-4 hrs)


Not only will your group learn the information given in the Tell Your Story presentation but they will go through exercises and activities to   discover their stories and to practice their own storytelling abilities.

For Parents, Teachers and Library Staff

Storytelling In the Classroom


This presentation touches on the material in the aforementioned "Tell Your Story". However, the focus is on how educators can form stronger connections with their students through stories.

Growing a Lifelong Reader


Incorporating early literacy skills, book selection resources, as well as tips and tricks acquired from 20 years as a children's librarian, participants will learn how to guide even the squirmiest young listeners down the path of lifelong reading. This presentation has been approved by Childcare Aware of Missouri for Early Childhood and Youth Development Professionals for 2 training hours.

Giving Your Characters a Voice


One element of reading aloud that can leave a parent, teacher or librarian feeling self conscious is changing their voice between characters. However, giving each character a distinct voice creates a more entertaining listening experience and helps round out a characters personality. Not only has Will used character voices his entire life for storytelling but he has taught hundreds of children & adults that they can create their own voices and that it is FUN!

Incorporating Your Passion Into Your Programming


Trends in library programming come and go but there are two factors that can be relied upon to consistently generate enthusiastic participation. Knowing your patrons and being passionate about your topic. In this presentation, Will helps library staff generate ideas on how they can find out the programs their patrons want as well as identifying what types of programs they can be create based on their passions.

Summer Reading Fun! 


"Infectious enthusiasm" and "Best Summer Library Workshop I've attended" are two comments that have appeared on multiple workshop evaluations from state library Summer Workshops, Will has presented. Creative programming ideas and Will’s energy will make planning your library’s summer reading program exciting. This program is tailored around the annual Collaborative Summer Library Program but can be customized to fit any theme.  

Conference or Event Emcee

How do you keep conference attendees aware of everything you have planned and conference organizers relaxed?  A great emcee!


Will has over a decade experience emceeing. His ability to think on his feet and problem solve helps keep events running smoothly.


Combo pricing available when hiring Will as emcee and keynote or breakout speaker at your conference.

Will is also available to emcee awards banquets, ceremonies and other events.

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